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Trade Secrets and Confidentiality in Malaysian Business

In today's competitive business environment, trade secrets and confidential information hold immense value for businesses. They encompass valuable formulas, processes, strategies, and data that provide a competitive edge. Protecting this sensitive information is crucial for ensuring sustainable success.

This article explores the concept of trade secrets and confidentiality agreements in the Malaysian context, offering valuable insights for businesses seeking to safeguard their sensitive information.

Yeong & Associates - Trade Secrets and Confidentiality in Malaysian Business

What are Trade Secrets?

Trade secrets are information that is not generally known or readily ascertainable by others, and that gives a business a competitive advantage. To qualify as a trade secret, the information must:

  • Be secret, meaning it is not readily accessible to the public or competitors.

  • Have commercial value because of its secrecy.

  • Be subject to reasonable efforts to maintain its secrecy.

Examples of trade secrets in Malaysia include:

  • Customer lists and pricing information

  • Technical know-how and manufacturing processes

  • Unpublished business plans and marketing strategies

  • Secret formulas and recipes

Confidentiality Agreements in Malaysia

Confidentiality agreements, also known as Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), are legal contracts that bind parties to keep certain information confidential. These agreements are crucial for protecting trade secrets and other sensitive information when shared with third parties, such as:

  • Employees: To prevent them from disclosing confidential information during or after their employment.

  • Partners and suppliers: To protect sensitive information shared during collaborations or business dealings.

  • Potential investors: To ensure confidentiality when pitching business ideas or disclosing financial information.

Legal Framework for Protecting Trade Secrets in Malaysia:

While Malaysia does not have a specific law for trade secrets, protection is provided through common law principles. These principles recognize the duty of confidence, which prohibits parties from disclosing confidential information obtained in a fiduciary relationship. Additionally, the Contracts Act 1950 allows for contractual obligations to protect confidential information.

Safeguarding Trade Secrets and Confidential Information:

Businesses can take several measures to safeguard their valuable secrets and confidential information:

  • Identify and classify confidential information: Clearly identify information that is considered confidential and assign appropriate classification levels.

  • Implement security measures: Implement robust access control mechanisms, data encryption, and physical security measures to restrict access to confidential information.

  • Educate employees and contractors: Train employees and contractors on the importance of confidentiality and the consequences of disclosure.

  • Use strong NDAs: Implement clear and well-drafted NDAs with appropriate terms and conditions to protect confidential information shared with third parties.

  • Monitor and enforce compliance: Regularly monitor compliance with confidentiality policies and procedures and take appropriate action against any breaches.


Effectively protecting trade secrets and confidential information is essential for businesses in Malaysia to maintain their competitive advantage and achieve long-term success. By understanding the legal framework, implementing appropriate safeguards, and utilising confidentiality agreements, businesses can ensure that their valuable information remains confidential and protected.


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