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Remote Working Policies in Malaysia


The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the adoption of remote work across the globe, and Malaysia is no exception. As businesses turn over a new leaf, it is crucial for employers to understand the legal framework governing remote work arrangements. This article will explore key legal considerations for Malaysian employers.

Remote Working Policies in Malaysia

1. Understanding Remote Work in Malaysia

Remote work allows employees to perform their job duties outside the traditional office environment. While remote work offers flexibility and can enhance productivity, it also requires a clear understanding of legal obligations to ensure compliance and protect both employer and employee interests.

2. Compliance with Employment Laws

Employment Contracts

Employers must ensure that employment contracts reflect remote work arrangements. Key aspects to include are:

  • Work Hours: Define working hours, overtime policies, and rest periods.

  • Work Location: Specify the location(s) from which the employee is permitted to work remotely.

  • Equipment and Expenses: Clarify responsibilities for providing and maintaining equipment, and reimbursements for work-related expenses.

Employment Act 1955

Employers must continue to comply with the provisions of the Employment Act 1955, particularly in relation to:

  • Wages and Overtime: Ensuring remote employees are compensated in accordance with the law.

  • Leave Entitlements: Providing statutory leave entitlements, such as annual leave, sick leave, and maternity leave.

3. Flexible Working Arrangements (FWA)

With recent updates to the Employment Act, employees in Malaysia now have the right to apply for flexible working arrangements. These provisions are outlined in Part XIIC of the Employment Act, which covers Flexible Working Arrangements.


60P Flexible working arrangement

(1) Subject to Part XII or anything contained in the contract of service, an employee may apply to an employer for a flexible working arrangement to vary the hours of work, days of work, or place of work in relation to his employment.

(2) Where there is a collective agreement, any application made by the employee under subsection (1) shall be consistent with the terms and conditions in the collective agreement.

60Q Application for flexible working arrangement

(1) The employee shall make an application for a flexible working arrangement under section 60P in writing and in the form and manner as may be determined by the Director General.

(2) Upon the application made under subsection (1), an employer shall, within sixty days from the date such application is received, approve or refuse the application.

(3) The employer shall inform the employee in writing of the employer's approval or refusal of the application under subsection (1) and in the case of a refusal, the employer shall state the grounds of such refusal.

4. Best Practices for Implementing Remote Work Policies

Clear Communication

  • Policy Documentation: Clearly document remote work policies and communicate them to all employees.

  • Regular Updates: Keep employees informed of any changes to policies or legal requirements.

Monitoring and Performance Management

  • Transparent Metrics: Establish transparent performance metrics to evaluate remote employees.

  • Regular Check-ins: Conduct regular check-ins to provide feedback and support.

Support and Resources

  • IT Support: Provide adequate IT support to address technical issues.


As remote work becomes an integral part of the modern workplace, Malaysian employers must navigate a complex legal landscape to ensure compliance and foster a productive and positive remote working environment. By understanding and addressing legal considerations related to employment laws, employers can successfully implement remote work policies that benefit both their business and their employees.

For more detailed advice tailored to your specific situation, our firm is here to help you navigate these challenges and ensure your remote work policies are robust and compliant. Please contact our Managing Parter, Eugene Yeong for further assistance.


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